Download TIM 2.71 for Android (tablet, smartphone)
Changes in version 2.71:
- Fixed problem with changing table / book in big button mode.
- Fixed application error caused by black and white symbols. Symbols in the selection of boards and books.
- Hiding the expression beam in the communication book.
- Adding your own phrases to the expression.
- Editing a symbol in the communication book regardless of its counterpart in the symbol database, including:
- change the name of the symbol
- font color change
- change the symbol background
- hide the symbol
- Improvements in the interface, including:
- improved button organization
- improved display of symbols in grids
- Improved word prediction in the Tim built-in keyboard.
- Loading multiple photos from the gallery into the symbol base for Windows and Android from version 4.3.
- Update of native tools and the development environment.
- Smaller download size.
Date of publishing the version: 19.09.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX